Yesterday I shed my tears after I saw the first picture in Utusan Online. This morning I cried again upon seeing the second picture in Utusan Online. But just now when I read the article below, I am angry. I really feel for our fellow brothers and sisters in Palestine. I feel so helpless for not being able to do anything to stop this madness. Whatever reason the Israelis give, I cannot see the logic behind killing the civilians especially the helpless women and children. Don't they have child of their own? What kind of people could kill children? They must be cold blooded to be able to bomb houses and schools. I can't imagine how the parents of the kids will be able to cope with their deaths. Imagine you wake up in the morning, bathe your child, put them in their freshly washed jackets and sweaters so they won't be cold when they play outside, feed them breakfast, laugh to their jokes or actions, to find them a couple of hours later lifeless and covered with blood.
Ya Allah, please save the innocent lives in Palestine from the hands of the evil Israelis.
Israel terus membedil, sekolah sasaran terbaru
07/01/2009 12:38pm
BANDAR GAZA 7 Jan. – Tentera Israel terus membedil kubu pertahanan Hamas di Gaza mengakibatkan jumlah kematian rakyat Palestin meningkat 660 orang setakat ini.
Terbaru semalam, serangan tentera rejim Zionis ke atas sekolah Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) menyaksikan sekurang-kurangnya 48 lagi terkorban.
Setiausaha PBB, Ban Ki-moon menyifatkan serangan ke atas sekolah sebagai perbuatan paling biadab.
Majlis Keselamatan PBB kini berbincang dengan Presiden Mesir, Hosni Mubarak di New York bagi memastikan serangan itu dihentikan segera.
Menurut pasukan perubatan, serangan berterusan itu telah membunuh dan mencederakan ramai rakyat Palestin di Zeitun, pinggir bandar Gaza, di mana tentera Yahudi menerima tentangan hebat daripada pejuang Hamas.
Serangan di Zeitun semakin sengit, manakala Khan Yunis dan Rafah di selatan bandar berkenaan terus dihujani dengan bedilan udara. – AFP
07/01/2009 12:38pm
BANDAR GAZA 7 Jan. – Tentera Israel terus membedil kubu pertahanan Hamas di Gaza mengakibatkan jumlah kematian rakyat Palestin meningkat 660 orang setakat ini.
Terbaru semalam, serangan tentera rejim Zionis ke atas sekolah Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) menyaksikan sekurang-kurangnya 48 lagi terkorban.
Setiausaha PBB, Ban Ki-moon menyifatkan serangan ke atas sekolah sebagai perbuatan paling biadab.
Majlis Keselamatan PBB kini berbincang dengan Presiden Mesir, Hosni Mubarak di New York bagi memastikan serangan itu dihentikan segera.
Menurut pasukan perubatan, serangan berterusan itu telah membunuh dan mencederakan ramai rakyat Palestin di Zeitun, pinggir bandar Gaza, di mana tentera Yahudi menerima tentangan hebat daripada pejuang Hamas.
Serangan di Zeitun semakin sengit, manakala Khan Yunis dan Rafah di selatan bandar berkenaan terus dihujani dengan bedilan udara. – AFP
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