5 months ago, Adam Harris was born. And today, I introduced him to the sippy cup! It's part of the preparation to wean him next month.. He likes it so much he cried when I try to take it away :D The thing is he did not sip but just bite the spout.. huhuhuhuh..
waaah.. adam dah pakai sippy cup.. gatal gusi la tu suka gigit2.. air liur pon banyak kan? :)
Kuus semangat si Adam ni ye. Now sure 8kg lebih dah tu.. tah2 dah masuk 9kg hehe.. Zara last month 7.6kg, 65cm. Next week baru nakgi checkup 5 month.
I am not a fan of walker too sbb safety reason la. Takut walker tu jatuh sbb tak stable. If you use walker under adult supervision, it shldnt be a problem. :) Jgn letak baby dlm walker then tinggal dia sorang2 tu mmg bahaya. Lagi safe kalau bentang comforter tebal2, biarkan baby tu bergolek sendiri dgn toys keliling dia. boleh la tinggal sat, gi sidai kain hehe :p
hi kam,
k.ajai here..kalau awak ingat lg lah..hehe..well anak kita ijaz dah 4 1/2 month and weight 9kg!..dh introduce to solid..tp dia mati kering tak nak makan..so, nak tak nak, bg breastfeed alone jer lah..
konon tujuan bg awal sbb dia asyik bangun malam 5-6 kali. even dh bg ebm pun gtu..isk..isk..penat eden
Nette, tuela pasal.. byk sgt advice against the use of walker.. so for the time being no walker for adam yet (manala tau nanti terbuka hati nak bg walker jugak :p)
hi k. ajai.. ofkos kite ingat.. semangatnye anak k.ajai! adam nie berat tp pjg so x nampak sgt kemontelannye.. on waking up at nites, my cousin's son pun mcm tu.. imagine 6 mth old still bgn every hour nak bf (just because the baby is so used to be fed every hour not because he needs the calories).. kesian dia.. so finally she took up her friend's advice.. dia biar je baby cry (the baby sleeps in another room).. after a few days baby tu dah ada routine sendiri n x bgn mlm dah.. tapi my cousin menangis berbakul2 la x tahan dengar anak dia nangis... huhuhuh.. kalau nak try kena sgt sabar la..
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