Woke up early this morning to wash all of baby's clothes, towels, bed sheet etc. Had to start packing the hospital bag as I am now in my 36th week and according to my gynea, the baby might come out around mid of august. I had prepared and bought almost all of the things. Enjoyed myself ripping off the plastic bags and pulling off the tags from the baby stuff. Can't wait for baby to come and wear all these!
My dad came to KL today to attend one of our relative's wedding. I was on my way home when he called me and asked me to pick the stuff he bought me at Mothercare KLCC. Yipppeeeee! These are the things that daddy bought me. I love my daddy!!!!!
jar: yes it's a boy! tapi bilik dlm gambar tu bukan my place.. heheh.. curik gambar kat mothercare.. babycot duk dalam kotak lagi nak bawak balik trg.. heheh.. nanti i text u kena dtg bawak hadiah bess :p
zulida: thanx.. dah nak due la nie cuak sebuk tgk checklist mana takde lagi :p edd lambat lagi - 30th aug tapi my gynea kata maybe kluar around 15 aug camtu kut.. we'll see.. :)
wahh kammmm.....u gonna be a mommy!!!! so i assume it's a boy since bilik kaler blue? :p
nanti text me la bila baby dah kuar. nak gak tgk hasil riki+kem=??? hihihihihihi
hi kamelia..wahhh..dh nk due yek??congrats!i can see lotsa stuffs there.. :D
nana: nanti jadi baby sitter eh :p
jar: yes it's a boy! tapi bilik dlm gambar tu bukan my place.. heheh.. curik gambar kat mothercare.. babycot duk dalam kotak lagi nak bawak balik trg.. heheh.. nanti i text u kena dtg bawak hadiah bess :p
zulida: thanx.. dah nak due la nie cuak sebuk tgk checklist mana takde lagi :p edd lambat lagi - 30th aug tapi my gynea kata maybe kluar around 15 aug camtu kut.. we'll see.. :)
dad u lagi la gila byk barang dia beli...habis la cucu 1st ni mmg kompom spoil habis laaaa hehe..
how far we've gone through kan kam? u dah nak jd mommy dah... sumhow susah nak percaya lagik hihihi :)
PS : semalam i bgtau my mom u dah nak due,dia pesan soh baca quran byk-byk doa sennag deliver ;)
waaaaaaaaah bestnya ur dad kasik macam-macam......
anyway...all the best with the delivery...may you have a smooth one (eventho i guess it's gonna be painful)
hehe best jadi cucu 1st ni...
aih banyaknye barang anak kau ni. aku tayah bagi apa2 lah yeh..sbb cam dah over complete!hahahaha
mana ada complete.. tu list kat tepi tu need sponsor :p
hi, cari2 barang baby, jumpe u punye blog.. wah penuh satu katill... hehhe
ni masa first baby memang la excited kan :) seme nak beli...
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