Anyway, last weekend was really great! Here it goes:
Fun @ Zoo!

Last Friday night, Hubby and me went to Shah Alam to pick up our adopted children for the weekend, Kimi and Aisha. My company organized a family day at the Zoo Negara. It will be such a bore if I were to go with Hubby only. So decided to adopt my cousin's children for the event :p

We had to wake up very early in the morning as the event was supposed to start at 8.30! This was when we realized there was no water! Luckily there was a bucket of water in the kicthen enough for us to freshen up.

The Fun started with the aerobics session. However, Aisha was still feeling shy and just stood there while the rest were enjoying themselves. The highlight of the day for the kids was the kids telematch! Kimi played all the games and won quite a number of prezzies. Aisha also had her share of games. Pity Hubby though coz he could not join the adult telematch as it seemed to be conquered by the staff only. Though we had fun cheering for the kids, I think the event management company is very lousy. Among the stupid games they organized for the kids were for the kids to push a tennis ball around a line of skittles using a hockey stick and for the kids to run to the other end while holding a marble on a chopstick! Oh, come on! the hockey stick are even taller than some of the kids. As for the adult telematch, it was more like booth games. My colleagues who went to last year's family day at Sunway Lagoon said this year's Fun @ Zoo is not as much fun as last year.

Anyway, glad that the kids enjoyed themselves. Hubby was a such a dear he gave a miss to the refloxology session to accompany the kids to the magic show, bouncing castle and hand painting while I had my rest. I guess he is ready to be a doting father to our baby :p

Before we go back, my Hubby surprised me with this cute tiger! Isn't he the sweetest? :p

Srikandi 948 10 years reunion

I can't believe it has been 10 years since we left Desa Tun. The place we called home for 5 years of our adolescent years. The place that thought us the meaning of independence, friendship, sisterhood bond and sharing. To most of us, it was also the place we learned more about life in general like being a leader, living in a community, live by the rule etc.
Though only 41 turned up from our batch of 150, it was great to hang out with the girls reminiscing about our innocent years in Desa Tun and gossipping about others :p
Most of the girls are doing well career wise with quite a number are doctors now. Some chose to stay at home to raise their family. How I envy these girls :p
It was a fun night after all. Wish we could do this more often.
p/s: More pictures at my fotopages.
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