It's the Mega Sales!! Went to Sogo's child department for the first time today. I was so amazed with the wide selections they have there. From the cheapest thing to the most chic and expensive item, you name it and they will have it.. Managed to get most of the small things already. What is left to buy now are the bigger (and expensive of course) things and the not-so-urgent things:
1. Car Seat
2. Stroller
3. Baby Cot/Playpen (could not decide on which to buy yet)
4. Baby Carrier
5. Mattress + pillow + crib set for #3
6. Thermal Bag
7. Cooler Bag
8. Bouncing Cradle
9. Baby bath thermometer
10. Bath sponge
11. Baby binder
Any sponsor? :p
... my best friend's wedding

My dearest friend, Dinna Geraldine Ramlan got married to Mohd Redzuan Abdul Rahman last 4th of July. It was such a beautiful and joyous ceremony. Dinna was one of my closest buddy in my first year in Desa Tun. Wish her and Duan a very happy life together :)
... my baby bump
I am now in my 33rd week and my tummy looks like it's gonna explode anytime! :p What worries me now is that my weight does not seem to increase much since I last saw my Gynea last week. With the doctor telling me I might deliver early in August and my mom saying that your weight is going to reduce slightly when it's time to deliver, I am scared! I can't wait to see our baby but the tohught of the delivery really scares me.. huhuhuhuhu....
... made of honour turned hulk
After a stroll at Tasik Shah Alam, hubby and me decided to catch a movie at Bukit Raja. We reached there at about 9pm so we headed straight to the TGV to buy the ticket. The most logical choice with our timing was Made of Honour that was showing at 9.50pm. Great! We thought. So we can have our dinner first and would be just in time to watch the movie. I rushed my dinner and did not really enjoy the yummylicous Chocolate Mud Pie with Ice Cream :( We reached TGV at 9.53pm. Hubby showed our ticket to the cinema boy and he brought us to the hall. Upon reaching the hall, I felt a bit weird coz he asked us to sit at the back seat instead of our designated seat. Anyway, we were so happy that the show has not started and they were showing some trailer to a movie. Minutes passed by and it was already 10pm yet the trailer hasn't stopped. Then only we realised we were in the wrong hall! Urghh.. But hubby did not want to go out. He said any show is fine since many good shows are showing. Maybe we are watching Wanted :p After another 5 minutes only we realised it was Incredible Hulk. I was so dissappointed coz I had already set my mind to watch a romantic commedy but had to endure watching fast action movie instead :( After 1.5 hours, the show ended. That means we were half an hour late! We should have get out when we first realized that we are not at the right cinema.. sighh~~
... my new diaper bag!
My parents just got back from attending my brother's convocation and they bought me this diaper bag! I love it sooooooo much! I had been looking around for a nice diaper bag and to my dissappointment, most of the diaper bags sold in Malaysia are with cartoon print on it and they looked so ugly :( I found one that I like in but they do not ship to Malaysia. So thanks Ibu and Abah for this beautiful bag. Love you! xoxo!
Lay off the cake woman! haha cute
k laa...nanti aunty annie belikan baby sponge k baby?=D
sponge ada banyak kat dapur la aunty...
baby nak baju raya dari aunty annie pls... :P
dh 33rd week pun still leh sport a kebaya...ur SO cool!!!!
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