As Muslim, we had just celebrated our New Year last week. Last year I did not achieve anything mainly because I did not set any goals. But for this year, I have one thing that I really wanna do. I have read somewhere that if you want to make sure you meet your goals, make your commitment in public. This way, you will feel more obliged towards your commitment. Ok, so here goes nothing. For this year I want to make sure I finish all my puasa ganti. All 41 of them. I know it's alot. I managed to fast for 2 days so far this week. So, the countdown is now at 39. Hope I could complete another 2 days this week.
How about my resolutions for 2009? Well, I am proud to say I have achieved some of my goals. Some is better than nothing right? I haven't make any resolution for 2010. Tomorrow I hope I would be able to sit down and reflect on what I have done so far and plan for next yeat. Maybe I would share it with you once I have made my decision.
In the book "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari", there was a story about a monk who was avery good archerer. Once, he brought his student and place a rose at the bark of a tree. Then, he asked the student to blinfold him with a cloth. He was standing only 100 feet away from the tree. The student has seen the monk strike bull's eye 300 feet from the target. The monk then drew the bow with all his energy and released the arrow, aiming at the rose. The arrow struck the oak tree, missing its mark by an embarassingly large distance. The student was curious. He thought the monk will show him one of his magical talent. Then the monk explained that you will never be able to hit a target you cannot see.
So my friends, if we want to achieve something, we have to set our goal first. Do spend a few minutes of your time to set your goal and let us together be an achiever by end of 2010 ;p
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Christmas 2009
What we did last weekend? As both hubby and I were only available on Friday, we made sure our Friday with Adam was filled with fun :)
In the morning, we went to Hari Peladang expo at Shah Alam stadium.
Then, we went for lunch at Wendy's, Sunway Pyramid.
I never know that SP had kids' zone. Adam had fun riding the horse on the Merry Go Round. (Actually mommy had fun too :p)
Then, we went for dinner at Kuala Selangor.
After dinner, we dropped by at my BIL's house in Klang and watched Up with them.
In the morning, we went to Hari Peladang expo at Shah Alam stadium.
Adam was excited to see the goats
Welcome to our home :p
Adam dared not touch the rabbits :p
Then, we went for lunch at Wendy's, Sunway Pyramid.
Adam buat perangai kat Sunway Pyramid
Eating fries
Us at the Merry Go Round
Adam loves the red chair
But he's scared of Santa Claus
Adam hammering the crab :)
Us and Pak Su Hakim
Adam and Amirul
It was a really great day spent with great people.. We really had fun.. Wish for more great days in the future! :)
Friday, December 25, 2009
~ the baking session ~
Inspired by Munirah's baking session, my cousins and I had our own baking session a few weeks ago. We baked cookies, cupcakes and chocolate cake. Even the boys had fun decorating the cookies and cupcakes.

I was surprised to see how simple it is to bake cookies! We made two batches of cookies. We divided the dough into a few portions and let our little chefs pick their favourite colour for their portion of the dough.

The kids (ok.. and teenagers) then, mould the dough and use the cookie cutter to shape the cookies. They even used their creativity to make other shapes like rugby ball and snowman!

We glazed the cookies with some coloured egg yolk first before they continued to decorate the cookies with the colourful stuff (i don't know the name of the stuff.. i think they are coloured choc rice)..

We also made hundreds of little cupcakes.. My cousins made some royal icing to decorate the cupcakes. They also used the icing to decorate some of the cookies. The cupcakes turned out great! They are fluffy enough and not too sweet. Just to my liking :)

One of our cousin requested for a chocolate cake. So we asked him to bake his own cake using the Pillsbury Devils Food Cake. He was amazed to know how simple it is to bake the cake. The rest of the cousins made fun of him and wrote "Fuad Nur Kasih" using icing on top of the cake.

Well, we had fun during the session. It was not that hard to organize and most important is, it was not that expensive.. Not only we made delicious cookies and cupcakes, we also created great memories :)
I was surprised to see how simple it is to bake cookies! We made two batches of cookies. We divided the dough into a few portions and let our little chefs pick their favourite colour for their portion of the dough.
The kids (ok.. and teenagers) then, mould the dough and use the cookie cutter to shape the cookies. They even used their creativity to make other shapes like rugby ball and snowman!
We glazed the cookies with some coloured egg yolk first before they continued to decorate the cookies with the colourful stuff (i don't know the name of the stuff.. i think they are coloured choc rice)..
We also made hundreds of little cupcakes.. My cousins made some royal icing to decorate the cupcakes. They also used the icing to decorate some of the cookies. The cupcakes turned out great! They are fluffy enough and not too sweet. Just to my liking :)
One of our cousin requested for a chocolate cake. So we asked him to bake his own cake using the Pillsbury Devils Food Cake. He was amazed to know how simple it is to bake the cake. The rest of the cousins made fun of him and wrote "Fuad Nur Kasih" using icing on top of the cake.
Well, we had fun during the session. It was not that hard to organize and most important is, it was not that expensive.. Not only we made delicious cookies and cupcakes, we also created great memories :)
i can cook,
special event
Monday, December 14, 2009
link to post
As recommended by Faith, I have explored the blog setting and allowed the create link to post function. So now, you can email my post to your friends.. erk.. ada ke pun? :p
Happy Monday!
The baking session went great! Will update once I have copied the pictures into my computer.. still could not find the memory card reader.. huhuuhhuhu...
Have a great week everyone!
Have a great week everyone!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
tepid sponge
As new parents, one of the most common advice we receive is to tepid sponge your kid if the fever is too high. But what is tepid sponge?
Tepid means lukewarm. Maknanya air yang digunakan hendaklah suam-suam kuku. Bukannya terlalu panas atau terlalu sejuk. Senang cakap, suhu dia macam air suam yang kita minum. Sebab kalau air paip kadang-kadang mungkin terlalu sejuk atau di hari yang panas mungkin airnya agak panas. Menurut, suhu yang sesuai adalah di antara 27 hingga 37 darjah celcius.
Sponge ni pulak tak semestinya sponge yang macam nie..
Sponge itu tidaklah perlu terlalu ceria kerana ia mungkin boleh menakutkan anak kita yang sedang demam itu. Jika di rumah anda cuma ada sponge yang digunakan untuk membasuh pinggan, jangan risau kerana kain turut boleh digunakan sebagai pengganti sponge. Mengikut pengalaman saya, face towel adalah kain yang paling sesuai kerana saiznya yang kecil dan air mudah meresap. Tapi kalau nak pakai towel mandi pun tak ada masalah cuma leceh sikitlah sebab nanti bila dah celup dalam air, basah dia akan spread ke seluruh towel dan mungkin akan membasahkan tilam anda.
Setelah anda sudah faham apa makna tepid sponge, marilah kita belajar cara-cara untuk tepid sponge.
Mungkin ada pula yang bertanya pada suhu berapakah patut dihantar anak ke hospital? Pada saya, jika setelah ditepid sponge suhu anak anda tidak menurun, silalah bertindak dengan segera. Contohnya, anda mulakan tepid sponge pada suhu 40.4 darjah celcius setelah memberi rectal suppositaries dan setelah itu suhu badannya semakin menurun maka mungkin tidak perlu ke hospital. Tetapi jika anda tidak mempunyai ubat di rumah, saya selalunya membawa anak saya ke hospital apabila suhunya mencecah 39 darjah celcius.
Harap maklum, saya bukanlah seorang pakar perubatan. Juga bukan bidan, bomoh atau dukun. Kesemua yang saya tulis di atas hanyalah menurut pengalaman dan juga sedikit bacaan saya. Yang penting, ikutlah gerak hati anda. Kalau 37 darjah celcius nak bawak pergi e&e terus pun tak ada masalah. Sebab kadang-kadang as parents, kita akan lebih tahu mengenai anak kita.
Sekian pelajaran kita untuk hari ini. Terima kasih.
*Tips Tambahan*
Cool room and kain tu tekap lama-lama sampai kain tu warm.. owh, perut dan dada pun boleh! ada-ada saje petua ibu saya :) thanks Marliza!
Tepid means lukewarm. Maknanya air yang digunakan hendaklah suam-suam kuku. Bukannya terlalu panas atau terlalu sejuk. Senang cakap, suhu dia macam air suam yang kita minum. Sebab kalau air paip kadang-kadang mungkin terlalu sejuk atau di hari yang panas mungkin airnya agak panas. Menurut, suhu yang sesuai adalah di antara 27 hingga 37 darjah celcius.
Sponge ni pulak tak semestinya sponge yang macam nie..

Setelah anda sudah faham apa makna tepid sponge, marilah kita belajar cara-cara untuk tepid sponge.
- Mulakan dengan mengambil suhu badan anak anda sebelum proses ini dimulakan.
- Sediakan air suam (sila refer maksud tepid di atas) di dalam bekas yang kecil seperti gayung, besen atau mangkuk. Air ni tak perlu banyak sangat nanti senang tumpah. Agak-agak dalam 1/3 bekas cukuplah.
- Sediakan sponge atau towel seperti yang telah diterangkan di atas.
- Buka baju anak anda. Kalau tinggal pampers sahaja pun tak apa kerana ia akan mempermudahkan lagi kerja anda.
- Celupkan sponge/kain di (3) ke dalam air di (2). Perahkan air berlebihan supaya air tak menitik dari sponge/kain anda dan seterusnya membasahkan tilam anda.
- Lapkan kain yang basah itu ke seluruh badan anak anda. Tak tau dari mana nak dimulakan? Mana-mana pun boleh. Yang penting area yang selalu panas seperti dahi, ketiak dan groin area. Lakukan selama 20 hingga 30 minit dan ulang jika perlu. Kalau selepas 10 minit suhu badan anak anda sudah turun, terpulang kepada anda samada hendak meneruskan atau tidak.
- Bolehlah diteruskan proses mengelap di seluruh badan termasuk your child's back and buttock. Masa yang diperlukan adalah di antara 5 hingga 10 minit. Oh, perlu diingatkan, selalunya proses ini tidak melibatkan bahagian perut dan dada. Takut nanti kena pneumonia pulak. (Er, boleh ke? Ni my mom cakap :p)
- Seterusnya, pakaikan anak anda dengan pakaian yang nipis dan tidak panas seperti singlet. Seluar adalah optional. Selalunya saya cuma pakaikan rompers yang sleeveless untuk anak saya. Menurut ibu saya, dada anak haruslah ditutup supaya tidak mengundang sakit lain seperti batuk dan selsema pula.
- Jangan lupa ambil suhu badan anak anda. Sekiranya suhu semakin tinggi disebalik usaha anda, sila bawa anak anda ke hospital dengan segera!
Mungkin ada pula yang bertanya pada suhu berapakah patut dihantar anak ke hospital? Pada saya, jika setelah ditepid sponge suhu anak anda tidak menurun, silalah bertindak dengan segera. Contohnya, anda mulakan tepid sponge pada suhu 40.4 darjah celcius setelah memberi rectal suppositaries dan setelah itu suhu badannya semakin menurun maka mungkin tidak perlu ke hospital. Tetapi jika anda tidak mempunyai ubat di rumah, saya selalunya membawa anak saya ke hospital apabila suhunya mencecah 39 darjah celcius.
Harap maklum, saya bukanlah seorang pakar perubatan. Juga bukan bidan, bomoh atau dukun. Kesemua yang saya tulis di atas hanyalah menurut pengalaman dan juga sedikit bacaan saya. Yang penting, ikutlah gerak hati anda. Kalau 37 darjah celcius nak bawak pergi e&e terus pun tak ada masalah. Sebab kadang-kadang as parents, kita akan lebih tahu mengenai anak kita.
Sekian pelajaran kita untuk hari ini. Terima kasih.
*Tips Tambahan*
Cool room and kain tu tekap lama-lama sampai kain tu warm.. owh, perut dan dada pun boleh! ada-ada saje petua ibu saya :) thanks Marliza!
Friday, December 11, 2009
can't wait for Sunday!
the title says it all :p

i can cook,
special event
Thursday, December 10, 2009
my lil' bookworm

I noticed that kids nowadays don't read as much. Or at least the kids I know don't read as much as I did when I was younger. When visiting a family friend, or travelling, instead of a book, kids today carry PSP or handphone to keep them company.
I don't want my kids to be like that. I want my kids to love reading as much as I did. That's the reason why hubby and me started to read to Adam since I was still in my confinement. We wanted the habit to grow into him as he grows older. Alhamdulillah, so far, it seems to work. Adam enjoys reading his books as much as I enjoy reading them to him. Family friends who came to visit were surprised to see how Adam enjoys his reading session.
When I read to Adam, I will try to be as animated as I could. I think that is the only way to make the book seems interesting to my little boy. The best part is, Adam knows who can read his books to him. He will ask me, my husband, my parents or my siblings to read to him. But with the maid, he will read to her instead! And complete with hand gestures and all! How cute is that ;p
Whenever we go out or travel, apart from his formula and diaper, one of his book will always be in the bag. It never fails to cheer him up whenever he starts to get bored.
Through reading, I could introduce Adam to things around him and teach him how to make sounds. Adam's first word, Ba' = bird, also came from his favourite book. Now, Adam can recognize cows and birds, among others, no matter how they look. He will say Baaa' for cow and Beee' for bird :) A child is never too young to read :)
Here are some photos of my lil' bookworm with his book :p

Here are some photos of my lil' bookworm with his book :p

Adam's collection so far.. can't wait to fill the rack :p
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
This is a video of Adam playing with bubbles.. Did you notice his new haircut? His granny can't stand to see his messy long curly hair so she asked my brother to cut Adam's hair! And now my aunt said Adam looks more like his Daddy.. Do you think so?
Monday, December 7, 2009
Dibo Cake
I owe this entry to the kind lady who has been kind enough to accept my last minute request for the Dibo cake. The lady I was taklking about is Ms Faith of My Sugar Creations. She has been asking me for the feedback of her cake but I have yet to answer her.
Actually, I have been a frequent visitor to her blog to stalk on her work for quite some time. I first chance upon her blog when I was looking for a cake to celebrate my father's birthday and found the most beautiful golf themed cake I've ever seen.
Anyway, the Dibo cake we ordered was Moist Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Garnache. It was marvelous! It was not so sweet and the taste is just great! After the party, I heated some of the cake with the microwave and eat it with vanilla ice cream. It reminds me of the cake at Chillis.. or even better!
Even better, my son recognized Dibo immediately and started dancing! The moment worth every single cent spent on the cake :)
Thanks Faith for the lovely cake and I can assure you, for the rest of the birthdays, I will surely find you :p
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Our Qorban this year..
This entry was supposed to be out much earlier when people are still celebrating Eid Al-Adha but I just received the photos from the photographer, i.e. my brother. Anyway, this is our Qorban* this year..

For non-Disney Playhouse enthusiast, it's Dibo the Gift Dragon! On the eid evening, we had a simple do to celebrate Adam's first birthday. Some of you might know that Adam was 5 days short of his 15th months' birthday last eid. So, the celebration is more of to make sure Adam won't scold me for being unfair to him when I myself, had a huge Number One shaped cake on my first birthday. To make the party looks good in pictures, we called some aunts and cousins to join in the celebrations.

I am lucky to have an architect as a Sister-In-Law who helped me with the decorations and I am doubly lucky that she's a good cook too! Thanks Hafidz for giving me such a great SIL.

Never had I know that preparing for a birthday party took alot of time! We reached Terengganu early that Friday morning and the party was in the evening. Though the guests started to arrived at 5.30pm as scheduled, the party only began at 6pm. I should have had the party on Saturday instead so we could have a better preparation.

Though Adam was a bit blurred on what's happening, the most important thing is he recognized the Dibo on the cake and he loved it! As soon as he saw the cake, he raised his arms and started dancing! My boy is such a kaki joget! When we turned the cake for the picture during the candle blowing session, he stopped dancing. And when I turned the cake back towards him to cut it, he started dancing again! He's soooo cute! :D

Alhamdulillah the party went well. There was enough food for everyone. We even had time to play a short game of musical chair. Though many of the kids has already left, we managed to persuade some of the not so small kids to join the fun!

All in all, it was a great experience for me. Now I know how much it cost to organize a birthday party. And this is just a simple one mind you. I can't imagine how much did other parents spent for the birthday party that is complete with the clowns, bouncing castles, magician etc.

*You know I was just kidding about sacrificing Dibo right? ;p Here is a picture of Adam riding the real sacrificed goat for the eid.
For non-Disney Playhouse enthusiast, it's Dibo the Gift Dragon! On the eid evening, we had a simple do to celebrate Adam's first birthday. Some of you might know that Adam was 5 days short of his 15th months' birthday last eid. So, the celebration is more of to make sure Adam won't scold me for being unfair to him when I myself, had a huge Number One shaped cake on my first birthday. To make the party looks good in pictures, we called some aunts and cousins to join in the celebrations.
I am lucky to have an architect as a Sister-In-Law who helped me with the decorations and I am doubly lucky that she's a good cook too! Thanks Hafidz for giving me such a great SIL.
Never had I know that preparing for a birthday party took alot of time! We reached Terengganu early that Friday morning and the party was in the evening. Though the guests started to arrived at 5.30pm as scheduled, the party only began at 6pm. I should have had the party on Saturday instead so we could have a better preparation.
Though Adam was a bit blurred on what's happening, the most important thing is he recognized the Dibo on the cake and he loved it! As soon as he saw the cake, he raised his arms and started dancing! My boy is such a kaki joget! When we turned the cake for the picture during the candle blowing session, he stopped dancing. And when I turned the cake back towards him to cut it, he started dancing again! He's soooo cute! :D
Alhamdulillah the party went well. There was enough food for everyone. We even had time to play a short game of musical chair. Though many of the kids has already left, we managed to persuade some of the not so small kids to join the fun!
All in all, it was a great experience for me. Now I know how much it cost to organize a birthday party. And this is just a simple one mind you. I can't imagine how much did other parents spent for the birthday party that is complete with the clowns, bouncing castles, magician etc.
*You know I was just kidding about sacrificing Dibo right? ;p Here is a picture of Adam riding the real sacrificed goat for the eid.

Saturday, December 5, 2009
Feeding Bottles
During a recent visit to a cousin's house, Adam saw my cousin's daughter, Annysa, drank her milk from an elmo bottle. Right away he danced and tried to talk to the bottle. As Annysa was happily enjoying her milk while lying on the mattress, suddenly, Adam snatched the bottle and drank the milk right away though he had just finished his bottle a few minutes before. Though I was not there (Adam went there with Daddy), I could imagine why Adam did what he did. His bottle is soooooooooooooo boring!!! All the while, I only bought Avent bottles as it helps to avoid colics among babies.

Considering he is already 15 months and is eating almost everything, I don't think colic is an issue anymore. So, I decided to buy him new types of bottles and he LOVED them!

The only thing is, the teats doesn't last.. In less than 2 weeks, one of the teats is already torn. I wish the fancy bottles are available in wide neck versions so I could just use Avent teats which are really good and could last for quite some time. I am also clueless on the sizing of the holes and the teats materials. I saw some came in the yellowish colour and looks like it is thicker.. Anyone can recommend me a good teat?

Considering he is already 15 months and is eating almost everything, I don't think colic is an issue anymore. So, I decided to buy him new types of bottles and he LOVED them!

The only thing is, the teats doesn't last.. In less than 2 weeks, one of the teats is already torn. I wish the fancy bottles are available in wide neck versions so I could just use Avent teats which are really good and could last for quite some time. I am also clueless on the sizing of the holes and the teats materials. I saw some came in the yellowish colour and looks like it is thicker.. Anyone can recommend me a good teat?
Friday, December 4, 2009
adam lagi..
Rajin pulak nak upload videos hari nie.. maybe because I am quite free since Adam is in Terengganu. We went back to Terengganu last weekend for the eid celebration and I left him there as we are going back to Terengganu again this weekend.. Long distance travelling is not easy with a boy his age. With bibik and my bro tagging along, we could not bring his car seat so it is much more difficult to control him.. Anyway, this video was shot when Adam was 11 months. He already had a few tooth sprouting then and I had just introduced him to a new toy.. toothbrush! Till today, he really loves brushing his teeth. He would not let others help him with it and will cry everytime the session ends.. huhuhuhuhuh...
Thursday, December 3, 2009
anak bujangku yang rajin
these videos were shot when adam was 13 months.. it seems like he really enjoyed doing his chores... hope this will last for the next 50 years the least :p enjoy the videos..
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
My little 'giant'
A day before we went back to Terengganu, I brought Adam and his bibik to Jusco Bkt Raja. I just wanted to buy a few things for Adam's birthday party. Adam behaved so well and sat quietly in his stroller. Even when I wanted to take him out of his stroller, he refused and tried to buckle back the harness.
As a gift for such a good behaviour (actually he was very sleepy), I treated him with a ride. When I first put him in the car, he turned and bang the steering to make the car move but to no avail. My maid and I was already laughing our heart out then. Being the kind mom I am, I inserted some coins to switch the car on. Here is some footage of him when the car started to move..
He just sit still! He must be scared of the moving car.. It was so funny to see his curious face wondering what has just happened to the car.. After the car stopped, this is what he did...
Mommy miss you!
As a gift for such a good behaviour (actually he was very sleepy), I treated him with a ride. When I first put him in the car, he turned and bang the steering to make the car move but to no avail. My maid and I was already laughing our heart out then. Being the kind mom I am, I inserted some coins to switch the car on. Here is some footage of him when the car started to move..
He just sit still! He must be scared of the moving car.. It was so funny to see his curious face wondering what has just happened to the car.. After the car stopped, this is what he did...
Mommy miss you!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Have you seen this billboard before? I passed this on my way to and fro the office. No matter how many times I have passed the billboard, it never fails to make me feel "seghiau". It's so real I feel as though I am the one who is up there. I couldn't find the right word to describe "seghiau". I don't even know if it's a real word. Anyone could help me?
~ The Decision ~
Last night, in my Dale Carnegie Course class, we were asked to share the defining moment in our lives. Well, 5 months ago, I made a decision that has made an abrupt change to my life.
5 months ago, I was working in the Corporate & Investment Banking division of one of the largest Islamic Bank in the world. I really love what I was doing. My day to day job included analysing the financial standing of our clients. From time to time I had to travel for site visits either locally or abroad. The industry was very competitive I would say. We have to ensure we work very fast to be able to close the deal. The datelines for new tasks were always yesterday! Not only my day at work was tiring, I also had to endure 2 hours of traffic every morning and another 2 hours in the evening.
The stress at work and the stress from the traffic really drained my energy. To be able to reach office at 8.30am, I had to leave at 6.30 am. I usually reached home at 8pm earliest. Maybe on some good days I could reach home at 7.30 pm. But on busy days, I might only leave office at midnight. When I reached home, I was already too tired to cook or play with my son. All I wanted was just a good rest and sleep. Day by day, I became more cranky and grumpier. I snapped at my husband and I scolded my son on a daily basis.
One day, it dawned on me that my life was miserable. All the money I earned meant nothing. I rarely see my friends anymore. Or more like I never see my friends anymore. I was mean at home. So, I started asking myself, is this what I want? Is this how I want to grow my son? By scolding and scream at him every single day? For how long? Do I want to be like my bosses who are always in the office? And my answers to all the questions were NO.
This incident happened on a Friday. On the very next Monday, I tendered my 3 months notice. My bosses were surprised. My colleagues were shocked. They did not expect this from me. In the beginning, of course I had doubts. Was I making the right decision? What if I don't like my new job? What if I miss analysing the financials? How about my salary? Would I still be able to sustain my lifestyle? But I brushed all the questions off. I told myself, this is something I had to do and sacrifice for the better of my family.
After my 3 months notice ended, I spent half a month 24 7 with my son. Our relationship grew stronger. I cooked for him, I played with him, I sang and danced with him. It was the greatest 2 weeks of my life.
On 1st October, I started my new job in Damansara. Though the distance to my new office is only 4km less than my old bank, the traffic is great! Even if I leave the house at 8 am, I could still reach my office on time and on some lucky days, I could even have a quick breakfast with my colleagues first before work starts. The workload is just nice. As I am working in a different industry, I found it not as stressing as analysing the financials of a company and worrying whether the client could meet its financial obligations. In the evening, if I leave my office at 5.30pm sharp, I would be able to reach home before 6.30 pm.
I now have time to walk my son to the playground and spend quality time with him. After maghrib, I will cook for my husband. With constant practice, I think my cooking skill has improved tremendously. Though of course there is still huge room for improvement. Last weekend, my husband told me that he has noticed the change in me. I am a nicer person now. I am not as grumpy and cranky as I was a couple of months back. I am glad he noticed it and mentioned it to me. That has really made my day..
I know I am a happier person now. So, I guess I made the right decision after all.
Oh, and this is Adam's latest picture. Isn't he very tall?
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Father Forgets
As I was reading Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People, I stumbled accross this story:
W. Livingston Larned
condensed as in "Readers Digest"
Listen, son: I am saying this as you lie asleep, one little paw crumpled under your cheek and the blond curls stickily wet on your damp forehead. I have stolen into your room alone. Just a few minutes ago, as I sat reading my paper in the library, a stifling wave of remorse swept over me. Guiltily I came to your bedside.
There are the things I was thinking, son: I had been cross to you. I scolded you as you were dressing for school because you gave your face merely a dab with a towel. I took you to task for not cleaning your shoes. I called out angrily when you threw some of your things on the floor.
At breakfast I found fault, too. You spilled things. You gulped down your food. You put your elbows on the table. You spread butter too thick on your bread. And as you started off to play and I made for my train, you turned and waved a hand and called, "Goodbye, Daddy!" and I frowned, and said in reply, "Hold your shoulders back!"
Then it began all over again in the late afternoon. As I came up the road I spied you, down on your knees, playing marbles. There were holes in your stockings. I humiliated you before your boyfriends by marching you ahead of me to the house. Stockings were expensive-and if you had to buy them you would be more careful! Imagine that, son, from a father!
Do you remember, later, when I was reading in the library, how you came in timidly, with a sort of hurt look in your eyes? When I glanced up over my paper, impatient at the interruption, you hesitated at the door. "What is it you want?" I snapped.You said nothing, but ran across in one tempestuous plunge, and threw your arms around my neck and kissed me, and your small arms tightened with an affection that God had set blooming in your heart and which even neglect could not wither. And then you were gone, pattering up the stairs.
Well, son, it was shortly afterwards that my paper slipped from my hands and a terrible sickening fear came over me. What has habit been doing to me? The habit of finding fault, of reprimanding-this was my reward to you for being a boy. It was not that I did not love you; it was that I expected too much of youth. I was measuring you by the yardstick of my own years.
And there was so much that was good and fine and true in your character. The little heart of you was as big as the dawn itself over the wide hills. This was shown by your spontaneous impulse to rush in and kiss me good night. Nothing else matters tonight, son. I have come to your bedside in the darkness, and I have knelt there, ashamed!
It is feeble atonement; I know you would not understand these things if I told them to you during your waking hours. But tomorrow I will be a real daddy! I will chum with you, and suffer when you suffer, and laugh when you laugh. I will bite my tongue when impatient words come. I will keep saying as if it were a ritual: "He is nothing but a boy-a little boy!"
I am afraid I have visualised you as a man. Yet as I see you now, son, crumpled and weary in your cot, I see that you are still a baby. Yesterday you were in your mother's arms, your head on her shoulder. I have asked too much, too much, yet given too little of myself. Promise me, as I teach you to have the manners of a man, that you will remind me how to have the loving spirit of a child.
Reading it reminds me of my little Adam. I am guilty of the same things. I often raised my voice to get him out of the kitchen, scold him when he did not follow what I asked him to do, all when he's only a little boy. My little baby. He did not even understand a word I was saying. And after all that, he would still come and kiss my cheek.
Sorry Adam, mommy promise, mommy won't raise mommy's voice to you anymore. No matter how tired mommy is, or how hard mommmy's day was, it has nothing to do with you. When mommy is home with you, mommy has to be your mom and treat you like how a son need to be treated; with gentle and love. Lots and lots of love. Sorry sayang..
Sorry Adam, mommy promise, mommy won't raise mommy's voice to you anymore. No matter how tired mommy is, or how hard mommmy's day was, it has nothing to do with you. When mommy is home with you, mommy has to be your mom and treat you like how a son need to be treated; with gentle and love. Lots and lots of love. Sorry sayang..
Monday, September 14, 2009
daddy's birthday present
Hi guys! It's been years since my last post and since I got not much to do in my new office, I decided to write again after the very long pause.
My birthday is on Sept 10, 8 days after Adam's. Last year I got the best birthday present ever, 8 days old Adam Harris
minus his mommy
And for this year, mommy kem bought me a lovely shirt and treat me coffee (which ended up with me paying). Thanks dear! And while having the coffee, I saw a guy with his two sweet daughters, getting into their car with shopping bags. I can't help but to think some good points of shopping with your own daughters;
1. daddy looks younger
2. no nagging
3. no need to carry the shopping bag
4. no time consuming as the girls walk faster than mommy
5. no sakit lutut or sakit pinggang (dunno why it's always happened when shop with the mommy)
So that will be my wish list for next birthday. Nak gegirl!
My birthday is on Sept 10, 8 days after Adam's. Last year I got the best birthday present ever, 8 days old Adam Harris
minus his mommy
And for this year, mommy kem bought me a lovely shirt and treat me coffee (which ended up with me paying). Thanks dear! And while having the coffee, I saw a guy with his two sweet daughters, getting into their car with shopping bags. I can't help but to think some good points of shopping with your own daughters;
1. daddy looks younger
2. no nagging
3. no need to carry the shopping bag
4. no time consuming as the girls walk faster than mommy
5. no sakit lutut or sakit pinggang (dunno why it's always happened when shop with the mommy)
So that will be my wish list for next birthday. Nak gegirl!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Last night we went for Iftar at Mak's place (hubby's mom). Initially, the plan was for me n my SIL to go and cook there. But it was already late when we reached mak's house so we ended up just helping mak in the kitchen. She cooked really fast and it was yummy! She cooked sambal sotong, asam pedas, sup su'un, sawi goreng and telur dadar in less than an hour.. She didn't even taste it since she was fasting but it turns out perfect. When would I ever be able to cook like that.. I think if it was me who is cooking all the dishes, I need to start cooking at 2pm to be able to get all done before Maghrib.. Sigh~ Maybe next year my resolution should include taking up cooking class :)
After the dinner, me, Yana and Alang played Jenga. It has been ages since I last played Jenga. Used to be very good at it when I played against my siblings ages ago... When Hubby and Angah joined the game, Yana and me just watched the siblings played. It reminds me of the old time when my siblings and I used to play together over games like Jenga, Crocodile Dentist, Happy Family, Old Maid, Monopoly, Shahiba, Snap, UNO, Snakes & Ladder and so much more. It was so much fun back then.. We laughed, we teased, we supported each other and we just enjoyed the companian.
Now that Hafidz and me are already married and Syah and Adik still in Uni, we never had time to play these simple games anymore. Every time we are home, there will always be a good show on TV, or the boys are playing PS2, or some of us are online, or we just simply lazing around... Now that the family has grown bigger with hubby, Salina and Adam, I think it would be fun to start playing the games again and strengthen our bonds while we are at it. So friends, maybe this Raya, while having your lemang and ketupat, you can take out any of the board or card games and play with your family. It might turns your Raya into one of your best Raya ever :)
Will post some of the pics later..
After the dinner, me, Yana and Alang played Jenga. It has been ages since I last played Jenga. Used to be very good at it when I played against my siblings ages ago... When Hubby and Angah joined the game, Yana and me just watched the siblings played. It reminds me of the old time when my siblings and I used to play together over games like Jenga, Crocodile Dentist, Happy Family, Old Maid, Monopoly, Shahiba, Snap, UNO, Snakes & Ladder and so much more. It was so much fun back then.. We laughed, we teased, we supported each other and we just enjoyed the companian.
Now that Hafidz and me are already married and Syah and Adik still in Uni, we never had time to play these simple games anymore. Every time we are home, there will always be a good show on TV, or the boys are playing PS2, or some of us are online, or we just simply lazing around... Now that the family has grown bigger with hubby, Salina and Adam, I think it would be fun to start playing the games again and strengthen our bonds while we are at it. So friends, maybe this Raya, while having your lemang and ketupat, you can take out any of the board or card games and play with your family. It might turns your Raya into one of your best Raya ever :)
Will post some of the pics later..
Friday, September 11, 2009
iklan biskut raya
Lupa tempah biskut raya? Tarikh tempahan sudah tamat? Hehehhe.. cheesy x iklan macam nie.. Di sini saya ingin mengumumkan saya masih mempunyai stok biskut raya Elken kepada yang berminat.. Sedap ke tak? Uishhh.. mestila sedap.. with me ada 1 final box besar.. tinggal less than 20 small boxes rasanya.. according to my mom, most of the stockist dah habes stock.. Jadi mari! mari! beli dengan saya :p
Nicely packed in a box sesuai untuk dijadikan hadiah kepada mertua dan sanak saudara di hari raya.. setiap kotak ada 40 keping biskut... 20 keping perisa raspberry dan 20 keping perisa blueberry.. The biscuits pulak are packed in a small packet with 2 pisces of biscuits in each small packet.. jadi senangla nak makan x masuk angin :p
Biskut ni rasa dia ada macam butter cookies sket and dia letak oats jugak jadi sangat sedap dan berkhasiat :p saya adalah sangat susah untuk berhenti apabila mula memakannya :) seriyes.. x tipu..
Satu kotak cuma berharga RM21. Oh, produk ini adalah halal ye.. jadi jangan bimbang :p
Di bawah ini adalah gambar dia.. blur sket sebab saya amik guna camera phone aje..
Nielah rupa kotaknya...
Kat dalam dia ada biskut nie.. Nie comparison size dia dengan duit RM1.. Agak besar biskut ni compared to yang biasa kita tengok orang jual..
Nicely packed in a box sesuai untuk dijadikan hadiah kepada mertua dan sanak saudara di hari raya.. setiap kotak ada 40 keping biskut... 20 keping perisa raspberry dan 20 keping perisa blueberry.. The biscuits pulak are packed in a small packet with 2 pisces of biscuits in each small packet.. jadi senangla nak makan x masuk angin :p
Biskut ni rasa dia ada macam butter cookies sket and dia letak oats jugak jadi sangat sedap dan berkhasiat :p saya adalah sangat susah untuk berhenti apabila mula memakannya :) seriyes.. x tipu..
Satu kotak cuma berharga RM21. Oh, produk ini adalah halal ye.. jadi jangan bimbang :p
Di bawah ini adalah gambar dia.. blur sket sebab saya amik guna camera phone aje..
Nielah rupa kotaknya...
Nie rupa kat dalam dia.. Ada satu plastik and ada small packs of 2 pcs biscuits each.. Yang sebelah tu kurma.. dah abes ye puan -puan..
Kat dalam dia ada biskut nie.. Nie comparison size dia dengan duit RM1.. Agak besar biskut ni compared to yang biasa kita tengok orang jual..
Sekian sahaja iklan untuk kali ini.. Maaf ye bahasa saya tunggang langgang. X reti nak buat iklan sebenarnya.. heheheh... Jika berminat, sila tinggalkan mesej di ruangan komen atau email saya. Sikit aje lagi nie.. cepat!! cepat!! :)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
happy birthday hubby!
Hubby turns 28 today. Happy birthday dear..
I only bought these two slices of cake from Secret Recipe. There were only the two of us and hubby is not much of a cake person. So I might ended up gobbling the two slices. Huhuhuh... Anyway, wishing hubby a very happy year and may Allah bless him with good health and rezeki... Love you dear..
On another note, we are going to pick up my car from the workshop this morning. There goes my duit raya budget. Huhuhuhu... Junior (my car) failed on me on Tuesday when I was at the laundrette. Had to wait for half an hour for the Allianz auto care came to jump start the battery only to be told that there was a loud noise coming from the car and it needs to be towed to the workshop. Yesterday the mechanic called and told me main touli (how do I spell this? malas nak google) broke and need to be changed. So does my battery. And the car needs to be serviced as well. Huhuhuh... Sometimes I felt like I just wanna sell the car and get a new one. But there is only one year left for the HP payment. After that, I'll be free of car loan and I plan to stay that way for at least a year before considering a new car... RM743 out of the cash flow every month is alot of money.. I can do alot of things with it.. :)
We had this for sahur this morning and also the day before. I ate it with toast. Thanks to my SIL :p Her family lives in Kuala Selangor - the land of seafood.. The prawn was so fresh and big! Lain kali hantar la lagi Yana.. :)
I am going to start a new countdown - 3 working days to go untill the BIG day.. Yeayyy!!
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